- We believe ending homelessness is possible and that when people do lose their housing, an effective system will ensure that their homelessness is brief and one-time
- We believe the structural racism is a primary cause of homelessness and that strategic steps must be identified and taken to address the inequities of our homeless responses system
- We believe that each person experiencing homelessness is unique, valued, and important and, as such, deserves respect and dignity and responses that are tailored to their individual needs
- We believe that the homeless response system works better when those who are experiencing homelessness are helping to lead its design
- We believe that most people who experience homelessness will end their homelessness on their own or with minimal financial support, but others will benefit from supportive services to augment and grow their capabilities and to advocate for their housing rights.
- Click HERE to sign up for our Listserv.
Specific policy questions about the new benefit should be directed to the Housing Division at the Department of Human Services at dhshousingstabilization@state.mn.us.
Questions? Email the HSSTA Team at HSS-TA@mesh-mn.org.